What is a school-based apprenticeship/traineeship

Has a student expressed an interest in working in the automotive industry?

A school-based apprenticeship or traineeship is a fantastic way for them to get started on the pathway while completing school.

With a school-based apprenticeship or traineeship, students can:

How does a school-based apprenticeship work?


A school-based apprenticeship or traineeship allows students to commence on the job training and study part-time while completing their schooling.

As a representative from the school, it is your responsibility to work with the student and their parent or guardian to identify whether a school-based apprenticeship or traineeship is a viable pathway for the student and will not impact their schooling commitments. From there, the student, school, and parents will identify Registered Training Organisation (RTO) to deliver the training, and a training plan will be developed that ensures the students receives adequate learning and training while remaining flexible around schooling and other commitments.

Once a student has commenced a school-based apprenticeship, they will be required to complete a minimum 7.5 hours of work per week on average, in addition to scheduled training time. This can be completed during a time approved by the student, their parents, the school, and the employer.

Why start at school?


By commencing a school-based apprenticeship, the apprentice will be able to complete up to one year of their qualification while still at school. This will give them a head-start towards completing their qualification faster once out of school, while allowing them to settle in to the workforce early, earn a wage while they are still at school, and complete their Queensland Certificate of Education.

Eligibility requirements 


To be eligible to commence a school-based apprenticeship or traineeship in Queensland, a student must: