Qualifications and Training Courses Available

There are more than 30 automotive apprenticeship and traineeship qualifications available in Queensland under the Automotive Retail, Service and Repair (AUR) Training Package, covering many sectors of the industry including:



The Queensland Training Information Service (QTIS) website has a database of all accredited Certificate II and III qualifications available in Queensland. Once your student has identified the qualification they would like to commence, simply jump on to the National Careers Institute’s myskills Training Provider Search to find your local preferred Registered Training Organisation to provide training, and get started!


Not ready to jump into an Apprenticeship or Traineeship just yet?

If your child is still considering whether a career in automotive is the path they want to go down, don’t worry, options are available for them to have a go and trial different careers before committing to anything further.

Registered Training Organisations (RTO) around Queensland regularly host short, introductory training courses, both accredited and non-accredited, that deliver a hands-on taste of the many tasks and roles performed in an automotive workplace. To find your nearest RTO, and find out more about the short training courses they run for high-school students, visit the National Careers Institute’s MySkills Training Provider Search.