Tues 9 July | Toowoomba Careers Expo
MTA Queensland will be attending the Toowoomba Careers Expo on Tuesday, 9th July 2024
Today’s rapidly growing automotive industry encompasses various career pathways, covering everything from working with internal combustion engines, paint and panel repairs, and selling cars and motorcycles, to the electrification and automation of vehicles, which is bringing about a vast range of opportunities for young people looking to drive positive change in the industry
MTA Queensland will be attending the Toowoomba Careers Expo on Tuesday, 9th July 2024
MTA Queensland will be attending the Brisbane Tertiary Studies & Careers Expo on Saturday
MTA Queensland will be attending the Sunshine Coast Expo on Tuesday, 16th July 2024
MTA Queensland is proud to announce the launch of a new initiative aimed at developing stronger pathways and connections between school students looking to enter
Phone (07) 3237 8777
Email: s2w@mtaq.com.au